The recent vigilante group to 'sweep' Malaysians off the street of Jakarta is an indication of how frustrated Indonesians are with Malaysia. In my opinion, this is a result of a long pent-up feeling which escalated all the way from the day Bali was bombed. The effect of the bombing had crippled the tiny island's economy almost overnight as Bali depends heavily on tourism to keep its economy afloat.
Within days, investigators managed to piece together the evidence and linked it with a terrorism group which was lead by a Malaysian leader Dr. Azhari. Dr. Azhari was somehow shot dead by Indonesian police during a siege.
Just as Indonesia was recoiling from the incident, Indonesia was again shocked by another bombing. This time it happened right in the capital of Indonesia - Jakarta. Again Indonesian authority found a link to a terrorism group lead by Dr. Azhari's protege Nordin Mat Top also a Malaysian-born.
Most recently Malaysia was accused by Indonesia of hijacking Indonesia's traditional dance by showcasing it in its tourism promotional campaign. This is a double-blow to Indonesian which already suffered from the previous incidents.
In both cases, Malaysia took a defensive action instead of engaging directly with Indonesia to resolve the issue. When Malaysia finally relented to bring the matter to the discussion table, it was a little too late. Angry protesters took to the street and burnt Malaysia's flag as a sign of disgust.
What will happen next? Let's wait and see.
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One of the most notable and significant proof about the existence of angels are actually the famous Biblical facts about angels.
Among the most common questions governing such are the age old questions like What are angels? How and why were they created? What do angels do?
Since time immemorial, man always held a strong and devoted fascination for angels and similar spiritual beings.
For centuries, many popular and renowned artists have tried to immortalize the image of angels on canvas and murals.
But it would come as a surprise to many once they get to realize that the Bible describes angels invoking a much more different description of angles as with how they are typically and artistically rendered or presented, like cute and cuddly babies with wings and draped in white cloth.
Here are some common Biblical facts about angels.
One may not be aware, but the Bible has made 273 references to angels and although we do not aim to get to each and every one of those descriptions and references, we hope to show some examples that provide proof of angels in the Bible.
The first reference can be found in the first book of the Bible, where everything else started – the Book of Genesis.
In the second chapter of Genesis, it mentions ‘Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished’ to which the term ‘host’ refers to the description of God’s spiritual messengers commonly known as angels.
This is also cross – referenced in the first chapter of the new testament book of Colossians where it says ‘For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.’
The Bible also provided reference to the fact that angels were created to live for eternity, as stated in Luke 20:36 .. nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
One proof that angels were present when God created the world can be found in Job 38:1-7 where it says that “Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said: ‘...Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? ...while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
It is also a fact that angels cannot marry or be bethroted to someone as stated in Matthew 22:30 where it says that ‘At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.’
Angels are also wise and intelligent, as the Old Testament book of 2nd Samuel 14:17 that says “Your maidservant said, ‘The word of my lord the king will now be comforting; for as the angel of God, so is my lord the king in discerning good and evil. And may the LORD your God be with you.”
Also in Daniel 9:21-22 while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, "Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding."
These are just some of the Biblical facts about angels and there are even more similar entries you may find in the Bible, so go ahead read and discover.
Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)
Product Description
The grandson of an Indian immigrant and the first Malay commoner to become prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad turned the Muslim-majority Southeast Asian country into one of the developing world's most successful economies. During his 22 years in power, he adopted pragmatic economic policies alongside repressive political measures, and showed that Islam was compatible with representative government and modernization. Abrasive and outspoken, Mahathir emerged as a Third World champion and Islamic spokesman by condemning the West, not least for trying to impose liberal democracy and neo-liberal economics on developing nations. By raising living standards and winning international acclaim, he contributed to a sense of national identity, pride and confidence among ethnically diverse Malaysians. But in mixing business and politics, Mahathir encouraged cronyism and failed to prevent the spread of corruption. Authoritarian and impatient, he jailed opponents, sacked rivals and undermined institutions as he pursued his obsession with development. In retirement, he broke a promise to stay out of politics, falling out with his two successors while using all available means to protect his legacy.
About the Author
BARRY WAIN, a former editor of the Asian Wall Street Journal, is Writer-in-Residence at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore. An Australian journalist who has lived in Asia for 37 years, he is author of The Refused, an account of the refugee outflow from Indochina after the Vietnam War.
There is one legacy that Mahathir left behind that impresses me. To me, Mahathir was no doubt a brilliant leader. What we are seeing now and what we are enjoying now are the fruits of the seeds that he sowed when he was still in office. He will always be remembered as a visionary leader.
So what is the thing that impresses me about Mahathir? It was his Vision 2020 and Malaysia Boleh wisdom. As far as I am concerned, he was the first Prime Minister to introduce a catchphrase which was used to uplift the spirit of Malaysians to be competitive locally and globally. It was a brilliant idea. It caught on with the public and we saw people of different background and ages took the challenge and the most famous among them was Datuk Azhar Mansur who went on a solo voyage to circum-navigate to globe.
The trend did not stop there. When Badawi took over as Prime Minister, he introduced a new catchphrase himself supposedly taking a cue from his predecessor. The catchphrase which he introduced was Islam Hadari. As in Mahathir's case, both leaders tend to introduce a catchphrase to reflect their background. Mathatir being a doctor and Badawi being brought up in a strong Muslim family. Unfortunately for Badawi, the idea was not really popular with the public and it died a natural death soon after he stepped out of office.
By now, I supposed you should be able to guess what is the latest catchphrase from the current Prime Minister. Yes, the new catchphrase by Najib is 1Malaysia. A single race concept in a nutshell. Many question the origin of the concept. Some say it was hijacked from the PKR. As PKR or to be exact, RPK (Raja Petra Kamaruddin) has been preaching about it long before Najib took power even though it was not exactly called 1Malaysia then.
Putting the origin of the concept aside, among all the catchphrases, 1Malaysia has the highest commercial intent or commercial value. Within a short period of time, we see so many companies adopt the name in their business slogan. Even Tony Fernandez agrees with that in his blog. But the big question is, will Najib be able to achieve the objectives of 1Malaysia or it is just another elusive mirage that Najib has to deal with.
Do you notice that there are more and more street protests taking place in Malaysia nowadays? Such street protest were hardly heard of just a half decade ago? What do you think triggers the shift of mindset for Malaysians, from different walks of life, to take to the street their grouses with the authority?
In my opinion, it only goes to show that Malaysians have generally matured democratically. Gone are the days where people would take whatever news that were shoved to them. Gone are the days where people would just stick to one news source. The recent political uprisings in Thailand is another factor which was somewhat an eye-opener to the mass majority of Malaysians which showed that people power is strong enough to shake the current government.
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